细节决定成败!尤其是在面试的短短几十分钟里,一切小细节都有可能决定你能不能拿到offer。你精心准备的面试回答很有可能被一支写不出的签字笔给打败,你完美的职场装扮可能抵不上一份带有封面的简历。不要让面试输在细节上!1.Interviewer / Company Phone Number
Even if you've allowed plenty of time for traffic the unexpected can always happen, like an accident that prevents you from getting to your interview on time. Have the phone number handy so you can call and discuss timing, and possibly reschedule your interview over the phone for another time.
2.Reference Sheet
Bring a sheet separate from your resume that lists your professional references. It's usually a good sign when the interviewer asks for references, so eliminate any hesitation by providing your reference list on the spot.
Print several out on nice paper and carry them with you in the same portfolio where you keep the reference sheet. Interviewers are usually prepared with their own printed version, but what if the printer ran out of ink just before you arrived? Eliminate hassle by supplying a copy of your own.
4.Notebook With Prepared Questions
It is inevitable the interviewer will ask if you have any questions for her. As long as you've remembered to bring the notebook where you outlined prepared questions, this part of the interview will be a breeze.
5.A Pen That Works
You'll need something to write down notes during your interview, for your own information and if there's anything that triggers questions you may want to save for the end. Just be sure to scribble before you leave the house so you're not stuck with a useless pen.