演讲稿 (1)

时间:2023-11-04 19:37:19
演讲稿 (1)

演讲稿 (1)

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!

First of all, Id like to share a little experience of my own. Before the college entrance examination, I told my father that I wanted to major in psychology in the university. Well, his response was acute. He told me psychology would not bring me happiness. At last, I chose to be a law student, which made my parents satisfied.

It seems quite usual this phenomenon. We tend to think about whether we can benefit from it before taking action. Such as me, I chose law because I was told that it can offer me a bright future. For instance, the only standard for someone of choosing a course is its ease. Because it seems that the easier the course is, the higher the score will be. So realistic!

You may wonder, ladies and gentlemen, why the youth who are supposed to be fearless and willing to sacrifice for their likes actually perform like they are 40s, who burden a lot? There is one reason that I want to emphasize. That is the fear in our mind.

We are so scared of being left behind by peers and being hurt by following our heart. Benefit becomes our priority. Those personal likes and dislikes have to be put aside. Something I’ve been through makes me understand that passion, persistence, and courage can only be awakened by our dear things.

《演讲稿 (1).doc》
